Another Fair and Balanced Bowie Review?

Sheesh. This one’s from the online zine called (sic) Magazine. I wonder what these folks will think as they look back on these 15-10-20 years from now. Is the world so desperate for a rock and roll savior that they’re willingly drinking the sand? I mean, I’ll say it again: this is an ‘ok’ album, but a damn far sight from a great one. I don’t know…here’s a piece of the review. You be the judge.

“The world is impatient. Already the world is flooded with reviews of this, many landing just an hour after they first pressed ‘play’ on the MP3 player. Already. I WANT IT NOW. But here it is. The record no one expected, the comeback no one considered, released quietly and with no press activity, David Bowie returned after a decade absence, with his best record since 1980.

The Next Day is goddamn glorious. 14 perfect songs. Bowie returns, and with an unbroken stride, confidently makes his mark. No one at his age (69, or thereabouts) should be making records so stridently lively, so articulate, so damn vital. This is proof, that you don’t need to go cowed and dimmed, into the sunset of artistic redundancy so many of his once-contemporaries willing desiccated themselves into shadows of past glories. Put shortly, Bowie will never go crap.”